# xdns.cfg # # configuration file for # xdns.pl v. 0.05 # Another Analog DNS helper # (c) 2000 Marco Bernardini - webmaster@taggiasca.com # # latest version at # http://www.taggiasca.com/perl/xdns.htm # # That script is useful just # in case you have 2 DNS files and you need # # a) merge them # b) remove double entries # c) recover resolved IPs now unresolved # d) sort them by IP # e) be warned if the same IP has different names # f) modify the format of the DNS file # g) remove WINS names (GOOFY rather than modem01.foo.com) # h) count how much group A IPs you have # i) strip unresolved IPs to trade DNS files with friends # ######## # # You can use this utility freely, and you can # modify and improve it (let me know, if you do # this!): it is under Perl Artistic License. # It may be used for commercial use only by # prior arrangement with the author # (Marco Bernardini, webmaster of taggiasca.com). # # This program is free, but if you buy some # excellent extravirgin olive oil on my site # http://www.taggiasca.com # this make me a lot happy. # # Analog is (c) by Stephen Turner - see # http://www.analog.cx for more infos # ######## # # NOTE: #comments MUST be on single lines and # CAN'T follow configuration commands ####### MAIN FILES ###### # a DNS file - the main one DNS_ONE one.dns # another DNS file DNS_TWO two.dns # the output file DNS_OUT output.dns # where to store errors - leave blank to skip DNS_ERR err.dns ###### WINS resolution ###### # WINS ON remove WINS names # WINS OFF leave them unchanged # WINS FILE remove and save in $winsfile WINS file # used if $WINS="file" WINSFILE wins.dns ###### MISCELLANEOUS ###### # ON shows warnings - OFF don't show WARNING on # ON show spinning counter - OFF don't show SPINCOUNT on # backspace character for spinning counter # - modify if your backspace is not chr(8) - BS 8 ###### A GROUPS ###### # to group "A" classes (the first number of IPs) in DNS_OUT # ON counts A groups - OFF don't COUNTA off # file used if COUNTA = on DNS_CNT cnt.dns # CNT_SORT = ip order by ip - CNT_SORT = value order by value CNT_SORT value # ON perform only the count of A groups in DNS_ONE JUSTCOUNT off ###### UNRESOLVED IP ###### # ON removes unresolved IPs from DNS_ONE and save resolved ones into DNS_OUT STRIPUNR off ###### OUTPUT FORMAT ###### # here you can change the format of your DNS file # # Analog takes: time(space)ip(space)name # To export to a spreadsheet it's useful # "time"(tab)"ip"(tab)"name" (for cut&paste) or # "time","ip","name" (as CSV file) # # accepted fields are: # fanalog pre-built Analog format # ftime time # fip ip # fname default name # fdate time (date format) # fdec decimal ip (for sorting) # fname1 new name # fname2 old name # ftime1 new time # ftime2 old time # fdate1 new time (date format) # fdate2 old time (date format) # for separators use # fspace space # ftab tab # fcomma , # fcolon : # fsemi ; # fcrlf new line # example: #DNS_FORMAT fanalog; #DNS_FORMAT ftimeftabfipftabfname # time, ip and name separated by tabs #DNS_FORMAT fipftabfname1ftabfname2 #ip, name1 and name2 separated by tabs #DNS_FORMAT fdateftabfipftabfname # date, ip and name separated by tabs DNS_FORMAT fanalog ### end of config file ###